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- The QLINK/AOL "Sogga"
- by Randell Jesup
- This is a reply to an ancient message
- found via DejaNews.
- Brian Heyboer writes:
- >Brian Williams wrote:
- >> I've been reading about this for
- >> some time, and.. can anyone tell me
- >> WHY aMERICA oNLINE won't sell the
- >> software or the rights to run
- >> Qlink?? What the hell are they
- >> scared of?!
- >
- > I can't tell you for sure, but
- > I suspect they are afraid it will
- > give away some of their security
- > systems that are also used in the
- > AOL software. Remember, there was a
- > lot more on the Q-Link end than just
- > the interface for the users. There
- > was also their entire billing and
- > password security system. There was
- > also a "back door" of sorts where
- > Q-Link menus and what-not could be
- > updated via AOL.
- >
- AOL is in fact largely based on
- rewritten QLink (nee PlayNet) code.
- Many of the algorithms are unchanged.
- >
- > Another possibility is that they
- > cannot rather than will not. Q-Link
- > licensed the software from Playnet
- > and acquired the rights to it only
- > after winning a lawsuit against the
- > receiver of the bankrupt Playnet.
- > They never did get all the source
- > code and documentation the lawsuit
- > gave them the rights to. So, they
- > may not be able to either because
- > the terms of the judgement don't
- > allow it or they simply don't have
- > it all.
- In fact, they may not have the
- right to resell the technology; it
- depends on what rights they got. (I
- suspect they eventually got all the
- rights, though.)
- They did, however, have all the
- source code and documentation for the
- PlayNet system, at least as it was
- when they licensed it (we made a
- number of mods later to PlayNet, some
- of which were activated and some never
- were). I spent a number of days down
- there training various programmers
- there on the design.
- One thing added after QLink (now
- AOL) licensed PlayNet was a quite
- complete auditorium/ panel/ etc setup
- with queuing, moderators, etc, run
- entirely via online messages (no
- client software change required). This
- was complete and tested and finished
- the week before PlayNet declared
- bankruptcy, so no one ever actually
- used it. There were other things too,
- but I remember that because I was
- working on it as PlayNet went under.
- Of course, they made their own mods
- (initially mostly cosmetic, but they
- added lots of stuff later).
- As must be obvious, I was one of
- the main (and last) programmers at
- PlayNet. It's [really] amusing to look
- at AOL today and say, "I know why
- users are limited to 10-character
- names.", and see many other elements
- of the original PlayNet design
- unchanged (even though the reason for
- them is LONG gone).
- For example, the 10-character name
- limit was largely based on how many
- screen names we could display in the
- room header in chat within 4(?)
- 40-character lines on a C64 screen.
- Ditto the screen-name defaults (I
- remember us sitting around BS'ing
- about how we'd handle that, and
- conflicts -- so now you have
- JoeS12345.) Online messages and how
- they popped up were another Playnet
- idea (remember, the next-most-
- sophisticated system at the time was
- Compuserve's ASCII "CB". Much has
- changed in AOL, of course, but it's
- kind-of heartening to see just how
- well a design from 1984-85 for 64K
- 6502-based machines has held up over
- the years, at least in the broad
- strokes.
- The system (PlayNet and QLink) was
- actually quite sophisticated. It was
- run by programs written in a
- multi-tasking state-machine language.
- (Yes, your C64 was multi-tasking when
- doing this - N state-machine tasks
- plus the "main" (basic/etc) task,
- which ran the game or whatever if
- needed. Things like Online messages
- caused a new task to be started.)
- The communications protocol was
- designed (by me) to error-correct the
- X.25 pad<->modem link, obey a limit on
- packet size (128?), and minimize the
- number of packets (since we were
- charged both by the hour and the
- packet back then). It used CRC
- error-checking (yes, in a C64),
- asymmetric sliding-windows,
- piggybacked-acks, selective
- retransmit, etc.
- It may be that this protocol
- continued (continues?) to be used in
- modified form in AOL, from what an AOL
- engineer told me shortly after
- QuantumLink launched AOL. I also wrote
- the fast-loader (which hid itself
- under the screen ram when not in use,
- and used huffman compression of all
- files to help speed loads) and other
- bits like the server side of the BBS
- (news-sort-of) section (my original
- rejected design was much more like
- News; amusing since I hadn't seen News
- at that point).
- The server side ran (and runs)
- under Stratus VOS on Stratus fault-
- tolerant hardware (originally at
- PlayNet a Stratus 200, with 8 12Mhz
- 68010's). The server-side software
- was (and may still be) written in PL/1
- subset G, as was most of Stratus
- software of the era, including the OS
- (C was introduced around the time
- PlayNet went under).
- The design of the Playnet server
- software was specifically set up to
- make maximal use of multiple servers
- connected by medium-speed links. For
- example, each chat room was a separate
- process (if I remember correctly, or
- maybe each process handled N rooms),
- and all the IPC was set up to use
- Virtual Circuits (sort-of equivalent
- to sockets), so they didn't care
- whether the other end was on the same
- system or not.
- AOL still runs on Stratus
- hardware, and pushes it (and VC's etc)
- to the limit I'm told. For a while
- they kept an old Stratus in the corner
- of the machine room for C64 owners, as
- I'm sure you know.
- It's also amusing to now see the
- explosion of networked games; many
- ideas just now reaching the public are
- very similar to the stuff we built
- prototypes of or sat around discussing
- back then.
- If people really want, I suppose I
- could write up my view on the soap
- opera of how PlayNet was, what
- happened, how AOL nee QLink nee CVC
- got the software, etc.
- --
- Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D,
- Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of
- '94
- Randell.Jesup@scala.com